Another One
I'm having another one of those phases where I'm like "I don't have time for this blogging business!" so I may abandon you all with another "addicted to _____" post.
But then again, probably not.Well, last weekend was Amira's wedding in Yachats, which was awesome. Ton and I hunted sea anemones in tidepools and took gratuitous pictures of each other as an excuse for why we dressed nice.

The next day was Amira's ceremony and reception which was nice, small, and personal. Amira totally wore pants and color (see photoblog!) and her outfit was tailored by her new husband. I hope no one thinks I stole her idea when I wear pants! But mine will be much more sailor-like. Also I will be wearing horizontal black and white stripes and an eye patch. DON'T STEAL MY IDEA.
Then the remaining class of 99 folks went out for a walk on the beach where we built a fire with teamwork.
OK, I get most of the credit for perservering, I suppose, but as a result of focusing too hard on lighting this driftlog on fire, I totally missed the half hour of clear sky to see the stars and watch for meteors. :( The little nerd girl inside of me is crying.
Hmm, so day 3 was spent stopping at every interesting place we drove past including all those Oregon coast towns and a few beaches. The best thing was the crab and shrimp omelette I ordered in Newport's historic bayfront. It was Boooomb! (make sure to sing that word.) Well, the other best thing was exploring with T. He's a fun one.
So now I'm back to my regular life - working hard trying to catch up on 2 missed days at work and trying to go to sleep early.
Obviously it's not working.
dude. wheres the photo blog.
hey, that's me! i'm famous!!!
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