Wednesday, December 14, 2005

To shed a little light.

I just realized all I've been writing about is lukewarm-angry-disheartening things, so I should mention that stuff aint so bad in my neck of the woods.

I've started going to the swimming pool and getting in some cardio workout. Last night, M joined me for water aerobics. It was fun, but I actually wanted to be a little more challenged, so I suppose I will be more inclined for the whole lap swimming thing in the future. It's great because I pay per session (only $4.50) so it's not like having gym membership dues go to waste because I'm too lazy to go one week or whatever.
I'm already an amateur pro!! At least, I probably look like one. I got my swim cap, nose plugs, (chlorine+sinuses=panic inducing burning sensation)...well, that's it actually. I am still using a 2 piece suit because I haven't gone shopping for a sportier one (and because my old sporty one, which that gross E girl borrowed once upon a time is too small and icky anyway because that means her hoo-ha had contact with it. I don't care if it was 7 years ago!).

So yeah, I think maybe I am getting some reward endorphins from that. Maybe I will be a fitness addict soon. ...nah.

Other than that, I have to make some lumpia tonight for our company Christmas party and I am sorta broke - at least broke because I am refusing to touch my savings so I can buy a new computer with it.

There may have been one other exciting thing that I did... oh yeah. I ended up at a cozy, non dive wine bar recently and was offered a glass out of a $83 dollar bottle. I don't usually like reds, but that one was pretty darn good. Too bad I'll never afford it myself! But maybe I'm getting caught up in the materialism of the situation. The point was supposed to be that I am glad to end up places with nobody I know at times and just shoot the shit with strangers. I think I might have preferred it that way in fact.
The best part is I didn't get hit on.



myrna said...

Yeah, keep wearing that ring and you won't ever get hit on! Why do you think I wore it for a long time everyday? Now I have a cheap one, the $20.00 gold band that I bought from the Tacoma Discount store, where the Korean salesman said "Twenty dollah, no tax".

11:21 AM  

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