Thursday, July 13, 2006

Masochistic Robots Identify

So I went in for my MRI to check out the soft tissue in my R shoulder. After I was in the tube for awhile I started to imagine that the loud noises the machine was making were robots talking and/or techno music. One of the things it kept saying to me was "DAB DAB DAB DAB DAB DAB DAB...." and then it would change and say "bedeedeedeedeedeedee!" and would be interjected with "blaaargh blaaargh blaaargh."
The low tones and the vibration put me to sleep in a second. While in that state I must have twitched because it ruined one of the images... D'oh!

Follow up with the orthopod was today and he told me, "Nothing's wrong with you! Strenghthen it!" That actually tells me that SOMETHING is wrong with me - even if that something that's wrong is, "Your right shoulder is as weak as a 3 year old child's."

Weak. The orthopod didn't even indentify any of the actions I make with my arm/shoulder that truly cause me pain, which leads me to believe I was, once again, either a non-squeaky wheel patient, or I'm really a total wuss.
So is this one of the main problems of health care in general?? Quality takes time, but doctors are like taxi drivers - they'd rather pick up a bunch of customers and collect their tips than spend a long time trying to give quality service?
hmmph, well I don't know if that's true, but I have experienced that multiple times in my experience as a patient and each time I tell mysef, "be a more assertive, educated patient," but it's so hard to fight the current.

In any case, I will go by his recommendation and try to strengthen it. I will also explore acupuncture and resume my work with my PT and LMT I guess - once I give the insurance company a call and make sure they'll cover me. That's another adventure in and of itself. BLEH.

Being a patient sucks - especially when you're getting smoke blown up your ass.

Well - on the plus side, at least I don't need surgery. The x-ray showed nothing broken and the MRI showed nothing torn. Oddly enough, the injection for the arthogram seemed to reduce my pain by quite a bit. Maybe I was just high of the epinephrine.


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