Thursday, August 11, 2005
About Me
Hola. This is my page. I find myself quite exciting, but then again, I am a narcissist.

I'd like to introduce you to Mica. An alterego born out of post-9/11 technology-spawned identity theft paranoia. I'm actually a sweaty, balding, middle aged white man with trouser socks and khaki shorts. Don't expect anything profound here. My brain is made of macaroni.Have something to say?? Email me @ hmmv d0t blog at gmail d0t com
Crabs are the scavengers of the sea bottom. While I love them properly cooked, the levels of harmful bacteria detectable on them fresh from the ocean are so high that I'd be really hesitant about eating them raw. Perhaps in a very strong pickle.
Nope. The more I think about it, the more I want them cooked.
Interesting blog you have here, though. While you can't tell from the photo, I AM wearing khaki shorts... ;)
Thanks for stopping by, Wil. We actually did cook it. We would have boiled it alive, but there was a bunch of other seafood in the pot - which is why it got hacked into a bunch of different pieces.
But yes, it was cooked, and it was gud. :D
Are you sure you're not a twenty-something Filipina? If you look a lot like my alter ego then....
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