Monday, April 23, 2007

dot dot dot

Remember when I used to blog all the time?? That was when I didn't know the true meaning of non-profit work. haha. I'm not totally complaining, but still.

Honorable mention to some things that are on my mind:

1. I really want to get an intern. E-mail me if you're a student looking for experience but who doesn't necessarily need a paycheck.
2. My brother deserves a fabulous vacation, dammit!
3. Bottling up emotions when dealing with a drama-queen can just be self-preservation.
4. Lego Star Wars is teh bomb
5. Did you know that it's a crime to be trans? Obviously the other charges in this case are serious and criminal. But I sense just a little extra injustice. Just a little: "At the time, police did not pursue a rape charge because they were unaware Corpuz had been posing as a boy " - King5.
6. Today I was walking out of Blue C Sushi and overheard what looked like 2 white college chicks discussing power and privilege. Well, the one that was talking might have been a lighter skinned brown person, according to T. Still...Amazing.

I'm going away now. goodbye.


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