Friday, August 26, 2005
About Me
Hola. This is my page. I find myself quite exciting, but then again, I am a narcissist.

I'd like to introduce you to Mica. An alterego born out of post-9/11 technology-spawned identity theft paranoia. I'm actually a sweaty, balding, middle aged white man with trouser socks and khaki shorts. Don't expect anything profound here. My brain is made of macaroni.Have something to say?? Email me @ hmmv d0t blog at gmail d0t com
that shit is so funny. and sad. but more funny!!!
ok but really i'll take spiders over cockroaches any day. those little fuckers are so ugly and big and FAST. that night after i talked to you on the phone i spent the last half hour in my apt at 1am screaming with my housemate because there was one by the shoes. i used like fifty newspapers to kill it and throw it away.
maybe i should get plastic boxes too...
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