Sunday, June 24, 2007

Coming Together, a Pride Explosion!

Well, Pride Week is officially coming to a close. I noticed that each year, the theme seems to be laced a with a little double entendre. 2 years ago it was something about "Diversity" and "Pride Explosion." This year: "Coming Together". Osm.

Didn't do much. Got my hair cut, missed the parade, got my hair cut again, then missed the other parade and bussed down to the Seattle Center for over-priced, undercooked corn, a bag of chips, and some mint chocolate-chip ice cream. Mental note: Burgers first thing in the morning do not hit the spot apparently since I have spent the rest of the day snacking.
I miss Musashi's. Why do I have to be too lazy to drive to Wallingford?

I also went out Saturday night. Visited a fancy European style gay-boy spot. Uneventful. Ended up at a non-Spanish, Spanish-inspired straight joint, then went home. Am I not proud enough? Do I have shame? I don't know the reasons that Pride this year was so mediocre. Maybe because I didn't march in the parade like last time.

Reminder to self: blog about kaw kaw-ing the dog, dog conversation, and cousin F's voicemail. Maybe not the voicemail...



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